Arsenal AC

Arsenal AC


An applicators concentrate that delivers broad-spectrum, long-term control of competing vegetation throughout the pine life cycle.

Packaging: 1 qt bottle, 2.5 gal jug
Markets: Forestry, IVM/Aquatic
Category: Herbicides
Manufacturer: BASF

Product Information


Foresters have come to depend on Arsenal Herbicide Applicators Concentrate (AC) to control competing vegetation throughout the life cycle of the pine forest following planting. The active ingredient in Arsenal AC works on an enzyme found only in plants – not humans, animals, birds, or fish. Studies show that once applied, Arsenal Applicators Concentrate moves only inches in the soil. When used as directed, Arsenal won’t harm young pines or wildlife food sources. Arsenal AC delivers broad-spectrum, long-term control of competing vegetation throughout the pine life cycle.

Herbaceous weed control – In the first year following planting, broadleaf weeds, grasses, and vines can slow the growth of pines. To boost seedling survival and growth rates, use Arsenal AC to control the herbaceous weeds that compete for moisture, sun, soil, and rooting space.

Conifer release – In pine stands 5 to 7 years old, hardwood brush can seriously threaten the survival and growth of your crop trees. A conifer release treatment with Arsenal can help you boost the total merchantable volume in your stand.

Mid-rotation release – Removing hardwood brush halfway through the rotation of your pine stand will produce a return on investment estimated at more than 11%. And with hardwood brush out of the way, sunlight reaches the forest floor and promotes the growth of plants favored by wildlife like deer and turkey.


The clear path to growing success.

Year in, year out, nothing delivers growth increases like Arsenal AC. It can be applied anytime from February through July for optimum preemergent control and good burndown. And, Arsenal provides continued long-term control to keep competitors at bay, so your seedlings have a fighting changes for survival and healthy growth.

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